Snails pace Astrology Level 3

Snails pace Astrology Level 3

Snail's Pace Astrology, Level 3, follows the Level 1 and 2 courses in
structure and in speed, and in parallel form to the ongoing Astrology
101 classes. If astrology intrigues you, but you're concerned about
time or that you'll never catch on because it seems like there's so
much to learn, Snail's Pace Astrology is for you!

Tackle this subject at a slower pace that will give you more time to
absorb what you're learning. Snail's Pace Astrology has been created
with your concerns in mind. This course will provide you with the second
level of critical foundations and solid understanding you need.

If you're an avid reader of your daily horoscope in the local paper,
Snail's Pace Astrology will move you away from sun sign stereotypes
and will broaden your horizons into seeing how totally unique an
individual you are.

Although students will be expected to work hard at their studies,
many will find this avenue more rewarding and growth-oriented while
maintaining a slower pace.

Your instructor is professional astrologer, writer, author and editor
Michelle Young, the Italian_Butterfly. Classes are limited to 15
students and will run once a week for three weeks, with a final
examination during the fourth week.

We hope you'll join us.

Enroll in The Crone's College

Snails Pace Astrology Terms



Diving Deeper
Class 1: The Chart, the House System, Starting with Computer-Cast
Charts, Why Learn to Hand-Cast When I Have a Computer?
Class 2: Aspects, the Guidelines, the Rules and the Numbers
Class 3: Interceptions, Retrogrades, T-Squares, Grand Crosses,
Grand Trines, Meridians and Hemispheres
Class 4: Final Exam Classes 1-3. You are required to pass this exam
before moving into Snail's Pace Astrology 102, Level 1

Homework required for each lesson.

If you do not study and participate in required exercises, it will be
impossible to pass this course.